Wednesday, January 14, 2009

It's been a while since I've made a post on here. Sorry for slacking off. Maybe the reason I haven't really posted anything is because I have been taking it easy for the last couple of weeks. I did however run two weeks ago on Saturday. It was suppose to be a 10 mile run with my team. I only made it about 3 miles due to my ITBS flaring up. I also ran last Saturday but once again was limited to only 3 miles. I ran and then walked a little bit. I haven't ran since Saturday as I feel my body needs rest and other things to help it recover. The good news, they didn't seem to bother me so much after my runs like they use to. Baby steps as they say.

Now I have a new game plan. I'm going to lay off the running for a little bit and do some cross training like swimming and biking. That way my legs can get back in shape and stronger and I won't be putting so much stress on my IT bands. I'm also doing a lot of exercises to strengthen the muscles in my legs. Stretching and icing and using the foam roller are also contributing to my recovery.

I will get past this stupid ITBS issue I've been having. I finally just got sick of it and want my body back the way it use to be. I have ordered some IT straps that wrap around your thigh about 2 inches above the knee cap. They are suppose to keep the IT band from rubbing against the femur bone. I'm willing to try anything at this point. I know I'm making progress cause they don't bother me while I'm not running as where before, I had pain pretty much throughout the day. My body just needs some rest from the impact of running and I'm certain the exercises and cross training are exactly what I need.

I do worry a lot about falling behind in the training program. My team will be running 12 miles this Saturday and I already know I will not be able to make that. Well I could but it would put me so far back in my recovery. I do however consider myself grateful. I looked at the forum on and there were some runners on there that got ITBS about 2 weeks before their marathons. I would rather fall behind in the training right now when I still have a ways to go until the marathon than having all this happen two weeks before. I just have to take my time with this issue and realize this rest and the other above mentioned things are going to pay off come marathon time.